Coffee Table|Fabric Wrap


Honestly I cannot tell you where some of my decorating ideas come from.  From my DIY Art Caddy to gluing stained paint sticks to my IKEA furniture, some of my ideas literally pop into my brain and then it’s “go time!”

Today’s project was no exception.  While choking sipping on my wheat grass shake this morning I had a craving to wrap my family room coffee table with a band of fabric.  You can tell why…







It’s a dark blob!  I think my “craving” to wrap this sucker came from the fact that it looks like a chocolate candy bar with legs.  🙂  I originally thought about building a sliding table to fit over it, but that will not happen for at least a year (or two…no motivation right now).

I am all about quick, cheap and temporary projects (if you haven’t figured that out by now).  Quick because…well who has three spare hours in the day to DIY.  Cheap…says it all.  Temporary because…I get bored with one look after a while and don’t want to spend a ton of time and money to change looks.

The best part of this project is it is quick, cheap (FREE actually!) and temporary.

So, after I got this idea I dashed into the garage to find a light colored neutral fabric and thought my scrap pieces of drop cloth would be perfect.  I had some left over from my stenciled drop cloth drapes.


I also grabbed my staple gun, flipped the coffee table on its side and started attaching the fabric.


I stapled along the wood frame


I repeated the same process on the other side, gently pulling to make it a bit tight so it wouldn’t bunch up.  Then I cut off the excess.



I liked it, but I can never just stop at one step.  I ran back into the garage and went through all of my grosgrain ribbon and decided to add my favorite b+w stripe one.


Now that’s better!


So now our big chocolate candy bar coffee table has a wrapper!  🙂  I like this fun look and I like how it brightens the room up a bit.  Best part, this project was quick (max 10 minutes),  cheap (FREE!), and temporary (I’ll just rip out the staples when I get bored of this look).  Win, win, win.

