Our Halloween House+Quick DIY

This has nothing to do with Halloween (or anything really), but how excited was I to see this while standing in line at the grocery store today…


Finally! Yipee! Hooray! (I know, get a life!)

Anyhoo, I thought I’d share with you guys our Halloween decked-out abode and a cute Halloween DIY.  I love Halloween as much as the next person and I do love decorating our house, but I try to keep it simple and easy on the wallet.  I like purchasing one “statement” piece and adding a few things around it.  My Halloween statement piece is obviously the large spider web.  I purchased it at Target last year.  Let me tell ya, people in California start decorating EARLY so by the time I got myself to the store to buy some Halloween decorations, they were pretty much all gone.  All I could find was this spider web and I wound up getting tons of “Ooohs” and “Aaahs” last year (and hopefully this year too).



It’s nothing too grand or elaborate, but just enough to make a little statement.  I don’t go overboard with the decorating and don’t want to stick out as “that house” in our neighborhood (nor do I want to get T-P’ed).  🙂


This year I added some “Warning” tape and tacked it to the outside of our second story windows.   It was very challenging to say the least trying to attach this stuff to our stucco.  (I hope the hubby isn’t reading this post).

Now onto a simple Halloween DIY…


These tombstones were such a blast to make and even more fun to write our epitaphs.  OK, that sounds weird.

I purchased 4 large sheets of foam core board at Michael’s  (20″x30″ and 1/2″ thick) and sketched the shape of a tombstone onto each then simply cut it out using a utility knife.  I wrote our epitaphs first then used some white and red spray paint to add a spooky effect.  We each have our own…

frank closeup

My Poor Husband’s




My Daughter’s


My Son’s

To secure these into the ground I used some stakes we had laying around and my good ol’ duct tape.


I know this looks pretty cheesy but I only bring these tombstones out on Halloween night so nobody will even see this.  I just wanted to share these with you today.  Not to mention, I don’t want them getting obliterated by our sprinklers in the meantime.

side view

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